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Ebook Los Hombres Me Explican Las Cosas by Rebecca Solnit in DOC, PDF, TXT

English, Spanish

"The most clarifying, soothing, and socially aware document I've read on the topic this year." Lena Dunham, "Wall Street Journal""Trenchant and timely reflections on persistent inequality between women and men and gender-based violence." "New York Times"In her comic, scathing essay "Men Explain Things to Me," Rebecca Solnit takes on what often goes wrong in conversations between men and women. She writes about men who wrongly assume they know things and wrongly assume women don't, about why this arises, and how this aspect of the gender wars works, airing some of her own hilariously awful encounters.Writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit is the author of sixteen books about environment, landscape, community, art, politics, hope, and memory.", En este conjunto de ensayos mordaces y oportunos sobre la persistente desigualdad entre mujeres y hombres y la violencia basada en el género, Solnit cita su experiencia personal y otros ejemplos reales de cómo los hombres muestran una autoridad que no se han ganado, mientras que las mujeres han sido educadas para aceptar esa realidad sin cuestionarla. La autora narra la experiencia que vivió durante una cena en la que un desconocido sepuso a hablarle acerca de un libro increíble que había leído, ignorando el hecho de que ella misma lo había escrito, a pesar de que se lo hicieron saber al principio de la conversación. Al final resultó que ni siquiera había leído el libro, sino una reseña del New York Times . El término mansplaining conjuga man («hombre») y explaining («explica»), en alusión a este fenómeno: cuando un hombre explica algo a una mujer, lo hace de manera condescendiente, porque, con independencia de cuánto sepa sobre el tema, siempre asume que sabe más que ella. El concepto tiene su mayor expresión en aquellas situaciones en las que el hombre sabe poco y la mujer, por el contrario, es la «experta» en el tema, algo que, parala soberbia del primero, es irrelevante: él tiene algo que explicar y eso es lo único que importa.

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Grilling expert Barry Fast provides carefully researched advice and instruction in a lively, easy-to-follow format.A chord walked into a bar and ordered a drink.A wonderfully silly book about style and individuality, sure to grow on readers who don't have facial hair -- and even those who do!When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different in many ways -- but the same in the one way that matters most of all.We hear the voices of John Wayne's father (Mind you, don't go looking for fights, but if you find yourself in one, make damn sure you win).A perfect gift at a baby shower or just handed over on guys night out, "FAQ for Expectant Fathers" is a must for all new dads.", On one page is a fill-in-the blank statement about new fatherhood, along with four multiple choice answers.But whether it's father-son or father-daughter, how to talk to them--and about what--can be one of the big mysteries in raising children.Everyone is important, deserves to be treated with love and respect, and needs to know that when they make mistakes they will still be loved unconditionally.James Garfield enjoyed jumping on the bed with his kids.And waits . . . And waits.This lovingly panic-inducing and innovative story helps children at any age to set aside sleep and other quaint relics of youth for a much worthier goal: the Ivy League.