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Read online Analysis of Enzyme Kinetic Data TXT, FB2, PDF


This book introduces the theory and practice of statistical analysis of kinetic data for enzyme-catalysed reactions in the steady state. It includes a detailed description of the use of the Leonora program for analysing enzyme kinetic data, together with the program on an IBM PC compatibledisk. Default options and a worked example provide invaluable guidance for the student and the novice and in addition Analysis of Enzyme Kinetic Data provides each reader with the necessary software and the required understanding to tailor an analysis to the requirements of their own research. Theoretical topics include basic principles of a least squares analysis; fitting the Michaelis-Menten equation by a least squares analysis; the general linear model; residual plots; maximum likdlihood and efficiency; generalised medians; and robust regression. Practical topics include examinationand fitting of statistical data; installation of Leonora, its use, simulations, MENUs, and customization., This text introduces the theory behind the statistical analysis of kinetic data for enzyme-catalyzed reactions in the steady state. It includes a detailed description of the use of the LEONORA program for analyzing enzyme kinetic data. Default options are included for the novice, but each reader is provided with the necessary software and the required understanding to tailor an analysis to the requirements of their own research.

Analysis of Enzyme Kinetic Data read online EPUB, FB2, TXT