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Judith A. Muschla - J-B Ed Activities: Algebra Kit : 150 Activities That Support Algebra in the Common Core Math Standards Grades 6-12 read TXT, DOC, DJV


An important feature of the new edition is the alignment of the activities with the Common Core Math Standards for algebra for grades six through high school. Every standard is supported by at least one activity, and many are supported by two or more. The rest of the activities address prerequisite skills related to the standards. The number and diversity of the activities in this resource will help teachers to meet the needs of the various abilities and learning styles of their students. The book is designed for easy use. Each section is divided into two parts: a summary of the activities, which includes teaching notes and answers, followed by the reproducibles of the section. The activities stand alone and can be used to supplement instruction and reinforce skills and concepts. Many are self-correcting, a feature that adds interest for students and saves time for teachers. The nine sections of the book are: Section 1: The Language of Algebra (Using Whole Numbers) Section 2: Integers, Variables, and Expressions Section 3: Linear Equations and Inequalities Section 4: Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities Section 5: Basic Operations with Monomials and Polynomials Section 6: Factors of Monomials and Polynomials Section 7: Complex Numbers Section 8: Polynomial, Exponential, and Logarithmic Functions and Equations Section 9: Potpourri, Help your students succeed with classroom-ready, standards-based activities The Algebra Teachers Activities Kit: 150 Activities That Support Algebra in the Common Core Math Standards helps you bring the standards into your algebra classroom with a range of engaging activities that reinforce fundamental algebra skills. This newly updated second edition is formatted for easy implementation, with teaching notes and answers followed by reproducibles for activities covering the algebra standards for grades 6 through 12. Coverage includes whole numbers, variables, equations, inequalities, graphing, polynomials, factoring, logarithmic functions, statistics, and more, and gives you the material you need to reach students of various abilities and learning styles. Many of these activities are self-correcting, adding interest for students and saving you time. This book provides dozens of activities that Directly address each Common Core algebra standard Engage students and get them excited about math Are tailored to a diverse range of levels and abilities Reinforce fundamental skills and demonstrate everyday relevance Algebra lays the groundwork for every math class that comes after it, so its crucial that students master the material and gain confidence in their abilities. The Algebra Teachers Activities Kit helps you face the challenge, well-armed with effective activities that help students become successful in algebra class and beyond.

J-B Ed Activities: Algebra Kit : 150 Activities That Support Algebra in the Common Core Math Standards Grades 6-12 download book MOBI, DOC, DJV